Wildflower + Pearl - Nominated for Liebster Award.
Wildflower + Pearl - Nominated for Liebster Award.
I’ve only been blogging for two months when a lovely young lady at Kesyhub Blog nominated Wildflower + Pearl for the Liebster Award.
What is the Liebster Award?
The Liebster Award 2017 is an award that exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers. The earliest case of the award goes as far back as 2011. Liebster in German means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
I graciously accept this nomination. I would personally like to thank Miss Sylvia at Kesyhub Blog for the recognition. When you’re done reading this post, feel free to hop on over to Sylvia’s blog to learn more about her and subscribe to the newsletter.
As required by the rules regarding Liebster Award nominees, I must list 11 facts about myself. I must also answer 11 questions given to me by my nominator.
I find this all to be fairly convenient. As a new blogger, I believe my followers might have questions about who I am and why I chose to blog. I personally see this nomination as a great pivoting point in initiating conversation about who I am as lead blogger in the Wildflower + Pearl community.
Without further ado, here are 11 facts about your lead #bohobabe, Feira.
New Orleans, Louisiana - August 2015
There’s nothing better than a clean home. Yeah, I’m kind of a neat freak.
As you know... I love collecting crystals and gems. I must steer clear of a gem show. I’ll buy EVERYTHING.
I’m addicted to an AMC show called The Walking Dead. If they kill Daryl, WE RIOT!
I’m quite the artist when motivated and inspired. Sadly, I can never make the time to to paint anything. I would love to one day.
This one is personal but I suffer from chronic depression. It’s a battle that I still fight to this day. Thanks to my man and the positive people I keep in my life, depression is a battle I often win on a daily basis.
My best friend is a dog. Her name is cookie and she’s a 12-year-old chihuahua.
I worked in the service industry as a bartender for 11 years. I have so many crazy stories. Don’t be afraid to ask.
I’ve always had an independent mind. Conditions were not ideal growing up. Because of that, I made sure to work hard to support myself and pay rent.
I’m addicted to interior design and home decorating. I can watch HGTV all day.
I’ve been told that I’m quite the cook. I love making traditional dishes from my home state of Louisiana. So, you can bet your bottom I can make a MEAN pot of Jambalaya!
I love going to live music shows. I’m addicted to the energy.
Dr. John - Norfolk, Virginia - 2016
My Homemade Cajun Jambalaya
Questions from my nominator:
1. What are your dream travel destinations?
I would love to visit Spain. France is a country I’ve always dreamed of visiting for as long as I can remember. Abu Dhabi would be fantastic and Singapore for the food!
2. How did you come up with a name for your blog?
I was told that my first name means Wildflower... so there’s that. I was born in the month of June, therefore my birthstone is a Pearl. Wildflower+Pearl
3. How successful are you in growing your social media following?
I think I’m fairly successful. My brand is growing slowly but surely. I will try my best to bring my followers quality content. In this, I hope to gain and maintain their trust as members of the #bohobabe community.
4. What are your hobbies and how does it relate to your blog?
My hobbies are the reason I started Wildflower + Pearl. I would often post pictures of what I do on a daily basis on my Facebook and Instagram. I gained a small following amounst my friends, so, I decided to extend that. My goal is to properly document and catalog my life experience in an effort to help others. Hence, my ending blog tagline, “I hope this helps.”
5. If you were given a chance to change something about last year, what would it be?
I had a great year. I simply wish I started my blog sooner.
6. Where do you visit for blogging tips?
I cruise the Pinterest boards for tips and ideas. You can find anything on Pinterest. YouTube is a great resource as well. I often search YouTube for “a day in a life of a blogger” videos for inspiration and ideas.
7. What do you hope to achieve through blogging?
I hope to connect. I wish to create community around the #bohobabe concept. I hope W+P will inspire wild and free ideas among like minded women on the interwebs.
8. Give some advice to new bloggers?
Don’t hold back. Every experience is an opportunity. It’s your choice to place value on that experience and present useful outcomes for those who need it. Who knows how your voiced experience can help others.
9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself happy and healthy with a significant following on my blog.
10. Best piece of advice you ever received?
Don’t waste your time. Time is precious.
11. What is your biggest achievement so far as a blogger?
Getting off my butt and finally starting W+P. It’s one thing to say you’re going to do something it’s a totally different thing to actually do it.
Blog Contact Card - It's Official!
My nominees for this award are:
1. Maya @ http://www.maya-ashley.com/
2. Kirsten @ http://www.kirstencarty.com/
3. Catie @ http://adventuresofcatiemarie.com/
4. Ariel @ http://www.happinessjoiandgloss.com/
Nominees, I absolutely love your blogs and I sincerely felt that you deserve recognition. Please visit https://theglobalaussie.com/blog/liebster-award-2017/ for further information on what to do next as a nominee.
To my nominees, I ask these questions:
Given the choice of anyone in the world whom would you want as a dinner guest and why?
For what in your life do you feel most grateful?
If travel was something everyone did as a rite of passage growing up where would you recommend they go and why?
What would be the best travel memory to have and how does it compare to what you have?
Give a tip for other bloggers or potential blog starters:
What is your favourite dish?
What do you like most about your blog?
Give a travel tip for travellers:
What do you think of selfie sticks?
When you have a writer’s block what do you do to work it out?
What motivated you to start your blog?
I hope you guys enjoyed this blog post! If you have any questions about your lead #bohobabe please feel free to ask them in the comment section below.
Later, Bohobabes.