My life, right now. A #BOHOBABE’s update.
The Pelican Club - New Orleans, Louisiana - January 2020
Certification or bust, managing a perfect yet “imperfect” home, dealing with exhaustion, the experience of losing a dear friend and other musings…
Well, it’s been forever! How are you? I hope you guys are having a great year! As for myself, I’ve been a very busy babe. In my effort to keep up with studies, students and a house, I’ve totally neglected my blog. It’s time to make it up! With Spring quickly approaching, I have a smorgasbord of relative content to present on the W+P blog. But first, as the title indicates, onward to my life as of now...
Art Appreciation Lesson on Picasso - December 2019
My full-time studies are going great! I’ve never pursued online courses before. Though online school can be very flexible, my current course load is proving to be especially challenging. With plenty of academic papers and discussion prompts to respond to, there is always something to do. It’s exhausting, but I’m trekking through. In this struggle, I hope to finally obtain my state teaching credential. In gaining state certification, I hope to finally achieve my dream of becoming a public-school art teacher. As for my career, I enjoy it! I absolutely adore teaching young minds about art. In my approach to creativity, absolute gratification seeds from the fact that one can manipulate materials. In doing so, one can create something that did not exist yesterday. In this mentality of creativity, after years of aimlessness, I’ve found my purpose. I’m currently working tirelessly to accomplish my goal.
As for the house, it’s coming together. After three years we finally gave in and replaced a few appliances. In my opinion, our house does not look pulled together. I’m hoping a nice, pet-friendly area rug can help. I’m currently looking for the perfect washable area rug. Such a feat is quite difficult. It’s funny how one simple household thing can be so hard to pinpoint. Speaking of difficult, I’m sad to say that due to work and school I don’t often manage the upkeep of our home as I should. This is why I’m so grateful for my guy. He’s been really picking up the slack with household chores and for that, I greatly appreciate. I hope to catch up soon so that I can contribute to making our home the best it can be. I am a work in progress, y’all! It’s always great to have that support when you truly need it. I intend on enacting a bit of spring cleaning within the next month. I plan on extensively organizing my pantry and art supply closet. Comment down below if you guys would be interested in home organization blogs.
Art Appreciation Lesson on Picasso - December 2019
For the past few months, I’ve been in this very fatigued and tired state. It almost appears as if I have enough energy to check my emails and nap. As a teacher, my job is to motivate children to learn and grow into mature individuals. In this, teaching can be extremely draining. I also believe the amount of energy I spend on my studies is also a contributing factor to my lethargic slump. This is so embarrassing, but I have to confess… I often find myself taking lunchtime naps in my car. By the end of my workday, I’m so beat that I simply want to drink a glass of wine and turn in for the night. This lack of energy that plagues me on a daily basis is getting to the point of putting off very important errands. It’s so depressing. I miss efficiency! :-( Besides better sleep hygiene and “sucking it up” what are your remedies for exhaustion? How do you guys handle low energy? Comment below.
The National Gallery of Art - Washingtion D.C. - February 2020
Cookie - March 2005 - February 2020
On a more somber note, my family suffered a great loss last month. My chihuahua Cookie left us in grace and surrounded by love on a snowy Virginia night. It was one of the saddest things I’ve experienced in recent years. I’m still in absolute shock. In life, my Cookie has touched the hearts of many. My Cookie was treated like a queen and lived a very comfortable life. In this life, she greatly aided me in my pursuit of happiness and purpose. She leaves behind a devastated Mama and a phenomenal Papa who loved her fiercely. Rest well, Love...
Il Canale - Washington D.C. - February 2020
Cleo's Mediterranean Cuisine & Grocery - New Orleans, Louisiana - January 2020
So, as you’ve all guessed I’ve had a very eventful few months. Despite what I’ve been through, I still remain excited about what this year will bring. I look forward to sharing my journey with the #bohobabe community. Stay tuned, yall. #Livewildandfree, babes!
I hope this helps,